The 'floatbox' folder contains the minified, production-ready package. Copy this folder, and its contents and sub-folders, to your web site. See docs/instructions.html for details of setting up pages to use these copied files. 'docs' is the most important folder in the Floatbox package. People who like to implement projects quickly and efficiently read the docs before doing anything else with Floatbox. Those of you who enjoy hours or days of floundering, frustation and ultimate failure can ignore the docs, but please be aware that reading them is a prerequisite to requesting support assistance on the forum. The 'src' folder contains the unminified source files for the Floatbox package. While perhaps of some interest to integrators, auditors and the curious, normal Floatbox users can safely ignore it. Of note is that this is NOT the folder that should be copied to production content. Use the 'floatbox' folder for that.